Destruction in Panamá

Yesterday my husband broke the shower. We´re in Panamá staying with a family of missionaries. They cook for us, clean for us, take us places… And we broke their shower. Oops.

Thanks, Panamá, for your running water and plumbing. Sorry, family, for your shower.

Also, I was attacked by a frog while trying to mop up the resulting flood.

Otherwise, things in Panamá are going great!! We´ve gotten to visit a lot of people here, discuss plans for a business to provide jobs in a small community, attend and assist with church services at a nearby mission, and spend time with our Panamanian family. It´s a blessing to spend time with people who are serving the Lord and to help in any small way that we can. Even if that includes buying a new shower head. 🙂


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